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- "acidulous"
- "slightly sour"
- "This milk does not taste good; it"
- "must be acidulous."
- ""
- "Tanya's lips were puckered after"
- "she ate the _________ lemon."
- ""
- "amorous"
- "loving"
- "* received an amorous "
- "letter from an unknown admirer."
- ""
- "Steve uttered an _______ reply"
- "which openly demonstated his love"
- "for his girlfriend."
- "aquiline"
- "hooked"
- "The old man had an aquiline nose"
- "which gave him a distinguished"
- "appearance."
- "The young woman hired a plastic"
- "surgeon to reshape her ________"
- "features."
- "baleful"
- "very evil"
- "The shopkeeper gave the destructive"
- "young men a baleful look when they"
- "entered his store."
- "The teacher gave her student a _______"
- "glance when she saw him cheating."
- ""
- "copious"
- "plentiful"
- "The United States has a copious"
- "supply of wheat, enough to feed all"
- "of its inhabitants."
- "The little girl spent a _______"
- "amount of time on her science project."
- ""
- "demented"
- "mentally ill"
- "The demented woman only wears red,"
- "and has a complete wardrobe of red"
- "shoes, red dresses, blouses and pants."
- "Gary's parents accused him of being"
- "________ when he decided to spend all"
- "of his money on a motorcycle."
- "edifying"
- "morally uplifting"
- "The preacher delivered an edifying"
- "sermon."
- ""
- "The principal was planning an ________"
- "talk which would cause the students"
- "to see the value of hard work."
- "exorbitant"
- "much too high"
- "* wouldn't pay the "
- "exorbitant price of one dollar for"
- "a candy bar."
- "Ten million dollars is a most"
- "__________ price for that property."
- ""
- "guttural"
- "throaty"
- "The angry woman emitted a harsh"
- "guttural sound."
- ""
- "The natives spoke in very deep,"
- "________ tones."
- ""
- "hackneyed"
- "used too often"
- "The term `Good as gold`"
- "hackneyed phrase."
- ""
- "A favorite _________ saying of my"
- "teacher is `Silence is golden.`"
- ""
- "heterodox"
- "differing from the norm"
- "The heterodox opinions of the young"
- "rebel shocked the older members of"
- "the community."
- "The rabbi disapproved of the woman's"
- "_________ religious beliefs."
- ""
- "impassive"
- "without emotion"
- "The Stoics of Roman times trained"
- "themselves to endure pain with"
- "impassive faces."
- "The teenager, who was not frightened"
- "easily, watched the horror movie with"
- "_________ eyes."
- "inhospitable"
- "uninviting"
- "The climate in Siberia is extremely"
- "cold and inhospitable."
- ""
- "A hostess should never be rude"
- "or ____________ to her guests."
- ""
- "jovial"
- "full of fun"
- "Everyone thinks that * "
- "is a very jovial person."
- ""
- "He is a very ______ boy who enjoys"
- "playing harmless tricks on his friends"
- "to make them laugh."
- "latent"
- "concealed; hidden"
- "The young man's latent ability to"
- "dance was obviously not developed"
- "while he was in school."
- "The girl's ______ artistic talents"
- "went unnoticed until she was in"
- "high school."
- "miscreant"
- "bad; evil"
- "The miscreant gang of criminals"
- "thought nothing of robbing every"
- "house on the block."
- "The _________ vandals destroyed"
- "property needlessly."
- ""
- "nebulous"
- "indistinct; unclear"
- "A nebulous answer to an essay question"
- "will not get you a good grade."
- ""
- "Some words have definitions which"
- "are ________ and difficult to"
- "understand."
- "omniscient"
- "all-knowing"
- "Most people believe that only a god"
- "can be omniscient."
- ""
- "Some professors like to believe that"
- "they are __________ although their"
- "students are aware that this is false."
- "preferable"
- "more desirable"
- "Meg finds lying in the sun preferable"
- "to jogging."
- ""
- "Most students find regular and"
- "consistent studying __________ to"
- "cramming for tests."
- "pugnacious"
- "fond of fighting"
- "The little puppies are pugnacious"
- "creatures who enjoy fighting with"
- "one another."
- "The sergeant accused his men of"
- "being __________ and trigger-happy."
- ""
- "rangy"
- "fit to move about"
- "The horses used by cowboys"
- "must be strong and rangy."
- ""
- "If you want to cover this much ground"
- "in one day of climbing you had better"
- "be tough and _____."
- "resurgent"
- "rising again"
- "After a devastating defeat the"
- "resurgent soldiers were back on the"
- "battlefield."
- "The inhabitants of Hawaii hoped that"
- "the destructive tidal wave would"
- "not be _________."
- "squeamish"
- "easily shocked"
- "This Halloween movie should not be"
- "seen by squeamish people."
- ""
- "The _________ young woman was terribly"
- "shocked by the sight of blood."
- ""
- "turgid"
- "swollen"
- "The animal had eaten so much that its"
- "body was distended and turgid."
- ""
- "The river was ______ with runoff from"
- "the mounds of melting snow and"
- "increased to twice its normal size."
- "uncouth"
- "crude"
- "After living in a college fraternity"
- "for a year, the young man had "
- "developed uncouth manners."
- "My sister made an _______ remark"
- "which embarrassed me in front of"
- "all my friends."
- ad "
- "developed uncouth manners."
- "My sister made an _______ remark"
- "which emba